Additional information on our complaints procedure.

In the unlikely event of you having any reason to feel dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, in the first instance you should email us at or call +61 2 8317 1402, as the vast majority of complaints can be dealt with at this level.

If our Support staff are unable to resolve the matter you may refer it as a complaint to our Compliance Department. Please set out the complaint clearly in writing for the attention of the Compliance Department. You can send the complaint to The Compliance Department will carry out an impartial review of the complaint with a view to understanding what did or did not happen and to assess whether we have acted fairly within our rights and have met our contractual and other obligations. A full written response will be provided within 30 days of receiving the complaint and often much sooner.

If you do not feel your complaint has been resolved to your complete satisfaction you may then refer the matter to our independent external resolution authority. Australian clients should refer their dispute to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

AFCA is an independent organisation established to resolve disputes between financial institutions and their customers. You should note that AFCA will not consider a complaint until we have had the opportunity to address the complaint, and any reference to AFCA cannot be made by you until you receive a final response from us or 30 days after the date of your complaint, whichever is sooner.

Contact AFCA:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority


VIC 3001

Free call: 1800 931 678


Further information can also be found at

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